Saturday, 17 October 2009

We're so lucky!

Continuing on the car saga, we had more fun yesterday with a puncture on the N/S/R tyre.

Another £15 well spent!

Keep the donations coming, we need all the help we can get!


Tuesday, 13 October 2009

247,672 Miles on the clock

And still it passes the MOT.

Now we have another year's economy motoring!


Sunday, 11 October 2009

Final prep for MOT

As detailed earlier, car is booked in for it's test on Tuesday.

I have fitted new wiper blades at the front, and transferred the best one from the front to the back.

Also fitted shiny new rear number plate.

New rear shocks will be fitted Tuesday, then it's fingers crossed for the test.


Friday, 9 October 2009

B*gger - MOT imminent

Checked my MOT test cert last night, fully expecting to find I had a month or so left, and it expires on 10th October.

Cant get it booked in for a test until tuesday!

Oh well, it should pass anyway. Will just have to manage.

Still wishing I could afford a new car.